Local Commercial Centres Assessment and Strategy
The Town's Local Commercial Centres Assessment and Strategy (LCCAS) was adopted by Council at its Ordinary Meeting held on Tuesday 13 December, 2022. Please view a copy via the below link.
Local Commercial Centres Assessment and Strategy
The Town of East Fremantle appointed consultants, Pracsys, to carry out a Local Commercial Centres Assessment and Strategy (LCCAS) to provide guidance on how to accommodate the current and future commercial needs of the community through the local planning framework.
What it considers
The LCCAS helps to understand the Town's needs over the next 15-20 years taking into account changes in population as well as changes in retail shopping and office trends and behaviours. It identifies issues and challenges as well as opportunities associated with providing for these needs and looks at employment opportunities and economic growth, including capturing more activity locally.
Developed in line with the Western Australian Planning Commission's Draft State Planning Policy 4.2 - Activity Centres, the LCCAS provides a rationale and guidance for future commercial / mixed use land use including development direction and control and recommended commercial floorspace requirements.
The Town’s main activity centres include:
• Petra Street Centre (District Centre) - located on the shared border of the City of Melville with only those properties west of Petra Street being within the Town;
• Town Centre and Canning Highway Mixed Uses (Neighbourhood Centre and frame); and
• George Street Centre (Local Centre).
A number of sites along the Swan River (within MRS Parks and Recreation Reserve) provide some commercial activity in the form of café/restaurants and licensed premises as solely commercial facilities or as part of club premises. These activities support residents and visitors who enjoy the Swan River foreshore and its outlook, together with the sports and recreational facilities in the vicinity.
No change is recommended to the Activity Centres Hierarchy of centres within the Town, however, should the Leeuwin Barracks site be redeveloped, a new local centre will be required to service further population growth.