Public Health


The Town of East Fremantle recognises that good health is the cornerstone of a happy and connected community and is committed to creating an environment where it is easy for people to lead safe, happy and healthy lives.

Local government is widely recognised as the tier of government closest to the community in supporting and influencing the health and wellbeing outcomes.

From a community perspective, the health and wellbeing of the population contributes to social interaction and the vitality of the community. For example, it enables participation in sports, volunteering, arts, culture and other activities that bring the community together. By contrast, poor health and wellbeing reduces this participation and brings with it the high costs of medical care and other community services.

The range of health and wellbeing services delivered by the Town help to establish many of the necessary conditions upon which good health and wellbeing is dependant. Whether it is waste collection, urban planning, road maintenance, local government health; the functions performed by the Town either directly or indirectly have a significant bearing on the health and wellbeing of the community.

The Town of East Fremantle is proudly supported by South Metropolitan Health Service, Health Promotion

Asbestos, Chemicals and Poisons Disposal

For details on asbestos, chemical and poison disposal please contact one of the following agenicies: 

The Town: (08) 9339 9339

Henderson Waste Recovery Park, Rockingham Road Henderson: (08) 9410 2632

Resource Recovery Group: (08) 9329 2700

Additional information

Household Hazardous Waste 

Asbestos Awareness 

Illicit Drug Contamination

Properties used for making or smoking illicit drugs, such as methamphetamine (meth, ice), or growing cannabis may be a contamination health risk to current and future occupants. The risk depends on the type of activity at the property.

Premises of concern include:

  • clandestine drug laboratories (clan lab): a house or area used to manufacture or ‘cook’ illicit drugs, especially meth
  • meth or illicit drug smoke house: a house used to smoke these drugs, but not manufacture them
  • grow house: a property used to grow an illegal crop of cannabis (marijuana) for sale

The Department of Health Illegal Drug Activity in Homes: Managing Risk flyer provides an overview on how to deal with these issues, particularly for owners or agents. Detailed guidance on the three contaminating activities and remediation processes are provided below. They all also include guidance on selecting qualified service providers.

For issue-specific advice on aspects of this issue, click on the appropriate website link below.

Clandestine Drug Labs 

Illicit Drug and Meth Smoke Houses 

Cannabis Grow Houses

Remediation of Illicit Drug Contamination

Infectious Diseases Control and Investigations

The Western Australia Health Act requires that all notifiable diseases are reported to the Health Department of Western Australia. The Department in turn notifies the Town. In each case an Environmental Health Officer contacts the patient for interview and endeavours to establish the source to prevent further infections. Any enquiries relating to infectious diseases control and prevention should be directed to Council's Principal Environmental Health Officer. 

Public Health Plan

In 2018, the Town of East Fremantle adopted its inaugural Public Health Plan.

Our vision

To protect, promote and enhance the health, wellbeing and quality of life of our community.

Our mission

The Town aims to enhance the health, wellbeing and quality of life for the community through:

  • Assessing, reviewing and responding to current and future public health and wellbeing needs, issues and emerging trends, based on best practice, sustainability and evidence-based decision making processes.
  • Developing collaborative partnerships with internal and external key stakeholders.
  • Integrating public health and wellbeing into existing services and programs.
  • Facilitating the vision for a healthy and sustainable community through greater community participation and development on health issues.
  • Aligning with and providing strategic links and relationships with local, state and national strategic plans and policies that impact on health and wellbeing.

 Public Health Plan 2022 – 2027

The Town has adopted the reviewed Public Health Plan 2022-2027 to guide the Town’s vision for a healthier community and meet its legislative obligations under the WA Public Health Act 2016.

This plan provides an integrated to health and wellbeing that is intended to ‘value-add’ to the Town’s core functions rather than duplicate existing plans and strategies across the organisation.

 The Plan identifies the health and wellbeing needs of the community and comprises of a series of actions divided into three key areas:

  • Healthy people and community:
    • To guide and encourage our community to lead healthier lifestyles through the provision of lifestyle and educational opportunities.
  • Healthy places and spaces.
    • To provide healthy places and spaces to encourage and support healthy lifestyle opportunities.
  • Healthy partnerships:
    • To develop collaborative partnerships with community, business, government, non-government and key stakeholders to improve health and wellbeing.

Town of East Fremantle Public Health Plan 2022-2027 

 3.2.1 Healthy Eating Policy 

Safe Needle and Syringe Disposal

Authorities recommend the following method of disposal of discarded syringes and needles:

  • Keep calm but remain careful
  • Get a rigid plastic container
  • Pick up the used needle and syringe by the blunt end, away from the point
  • Put needle and syringe, point first, into the container
  • Seal container tightly, secure lid
  • Contact the Town's Environmental Health Officer or Ranger for the needle to be collected
  • Needles are then disposed of by industrial incineration; and
  • Do not put the needle into the green or yellow bin.