Bush Fire Safety

Rangers are authorised fire control officers within the Town of East Fremantle and are authorised to enforce the provisions of the Bush Fires Act 1954.
Notice to All Owners and/or Occupiers of Land in East Fremantle
All land owners/occupiers within the Town of East Fremantle are required to remove all combustible materials an/or install fire breaks as listed below from the 30th November each year through to the 31st March the following year.
- Land having an area of fifteen hundred (1,500) square metres or less
- Clear all inflammable matter from the whole of the land. When mowing or slashing is carried out, the height of vegetation thereafter must not exceed, one hundred (100) millilitres over the entire area of the land, as far as reasonably practicable as determined by the authorised officer.
- Land having an area of fifteen hundred (1,500) square metres or more
- Clear firebreaks of a minimum width of three (3) metres inside all external boundaries of the land and all buildings situated on the land, by ploughing, cultivating or scarifying; or
- Mow/Slash the whole of the land. The height of vegetation thereafter must not exceed, one hundred (100) millimetres over the entire area of the land, as far as reasonably practicable as determined by the authorised officer.
Remember to:
- Clear gutters before 30th November annually and inspect and clear gutters regularly until at least the 31st March each year. (Many homes are badly damaged or destroyed each year by fires caused by burning embers entering clogged gutters that lead to structural fires.)
- Switch off evaporative air conditioners as soon as you are aware of a fire near your home. (Many homes are destroyed each year by fires caused by burning embers entering air conditioner units).
Solid fuel (for example wood or charcoal) bbqs must only be used for cooking and only used when the solid fuel is enclosed on all sides.
Gas operated bbqs may be used in the Town of East Fremantle as long as a responsible adult (above the age of 18) is present for the duration of the use of the bbq.
Total Fire Ban declared by Department of Fire and Emergency Services
On a Total Fire Ban day, it is illegal to light an open-air fire or conduct any activity that could start a fire. Please refer to DFES website below for further information:
Department of Fire and Emergency Services website
Prohibited Burning Time
Please note under the Bush Fires Act 1954 Bush Fires (Prohibited Burning Times) Amendment Notice (No.3) 2024 prohibited burning time for the Town of East Fremantle is from 10 November - 5 May.
Following the introduction of the Caravan and Camping Regulations on 1 July 1997, it is an offence to camp on any land without the consent of the owner.
This effectively means that camping anywhere within the Town of East Fremantle (apart from registered caravan parks and grounds and on private property with the consent of the owner) is an offence.
The penalties associated with a breach of the regulations in relation to camping involve either a $200 on the spot infringement notice, or up to $2,000 if dealt with by a summons to appear in court.
Special interest groups such as Scouts, Sea Scouts, Girl Guides, Military and Sea Cadet units may make application to camp within Town of East Fremantle boundaries by submitting written applications to Council, stating dates and purpose of requested camp sites. Applications from such youth groups are generally looked on favourably by Council.