Ancillary Dwellings (Granny Flats) 

An ancillary dwelling is a self-contained residential dwelling. It may be attached, integrated with, or detached from a single house on the same lot.

Building Permit is always required for an ancillary dwelling.

Development Approval is required if your property is Category A and Category B Heritage. If your property is Category C Heritage, it is likely Development Approval is required, however it is recommended to contact Planning on 08 9339 9339 to speak with a Town Planner.

Development Approval is usually not required if your property is in a residential zone and your ancillary dwelling meets the following requirements:

  • There is a maximum internal area of 70m2.
  • Parking is provided in accordance with the Residential Design Codes deemed to comply clause C3.1.
  • The ancillary dwelling is located behind the street setback line.
  • The ancillary dwelling does not preclude the single house or grouped dwelling (that it is attached to or connected with) from meeting the required minimum open space and outdoor living area requirements.
  • It complies with all other Residential Design Code (including lot boundary setbacks) and Residential Design Guidelines (including roof pitch) provisions as they apply to single houses and grouped dwelling with the exception of clauses: 
    • Site area 
    • Street surveillance 
    • Outdoor living area

Further information on relevant application forms, click on the below link. 

Building Permits, Applications and Forms