Safe Foods

Food Handling Training 

The Town has now subscribed to FoodSafe Online to enable food handlers working in the Town to access the FoodSafe Course for free. Food handlers are required to undertake the course and download the Certificate once successfully completed.  

It is a requirement under the Food Act 2008 that all food handlers have the skills and knowledge to safely handle food. Completion of FoodSafe Online will demonstrate compliance with the Food Act 2008 requirement.

The Town takes this opportunity to remind all food handlers that you are required to have access to and knowledge of the Food Act 2008, Food Regulations 2009 and the Food Safety Standards contained in Chapter three of the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code.

 The Act and Regulations and Code and Food Safety Standards are available below:

Western Australian Legislation 

Food Standards Australia New Zealand

How to access FoodSafe Online

Food Safe Online

  • Instructions on how to proceed are listed, please follow all prompts.
  • On the payment details page, use the unique discount voucher “FSEFREO364” and it will apply the $35 discount. Residents will need to complete the transaction and follow the downloadable instructions to register and start the course. A printable certificate is available for residents, once they have successfully completed the course. 

Food Poisoning Prevention

Many high-risk foods are typically consumed during the warmer months such as seafood, meat, fish, chicken, rice and milk products.

Food poisoning affects approximately 11,500 people per day, costing Australia $2.6 million per year. 60% of food poisoning cases are a result of food not being kept out of the danger zone, and 20% are caused by cross-contamination. Most food poisoning cases can be traced back to the residential kitchen.

The Danger Zone is the temperature range at which bacteria have their optimum growth rate. This is between 5° C and 60° C, and all perishable items should be stored out of this range to increase their shelf life and avoid the growth of potentially harmful microorganisms. Bacterial numbers can double in the danger zone every twenty minutes. Correct hand washing is one of the easiest and most effective ways of protecting food from bacterial contamination and preventing food poisoning.

  • Always wash hands before handling food, and between handling raw and cooked foods.
  • Ensure all high-risk foods are kept out of the "Danger Zone" - that is cold foods are to be kept below 5° C and hot foods to be stored above 60° C.
  • Keep high risk foods properly stored and covered to avoid cross contamination.
  • Check the operational temperature of your refrigerator - and remember the more you overload your refrigerator the greater stress you put on it - it may need to be adjusted to a cooler temperature.
  • Keep high risk/perishable items stored at the rear of refrigerator where temperatures are cooler. Note: your refrigerator has "hot" spots - the crisper area may be as high as 13° C.
  • When dining out look for the FoodSafe sticker; these premises have undertaken a food handler training program.
  • When picnicking/barbecuing, ensure meats are kept in a cooler box until needed, with sufficient ice bricks to maintain a cold temperature.
  • Do not transfer cooked meats on to surfaces raw meat has been in contact with.
  • Chopping boards, tea towels and wash cloths harbour bacteria and must be disinfected regularly. Boards should be soaked in a hot bleach solution, and plastic or glass types are highly recommended. Cloths can also be microwaved for one to two minutes and then boiled. Paper towels should be used to clean up floor spills rather than using cloths. 

Food Safety

Food Handling Premises

The Town's Environmental Health Officer carries out regular inspections of food shops, cafes and restaurants in East Fremantle. They also obtain food samples to ensure compliance with both chemical and bacteriological standards as laid down by the Australian Food Standards Code 1992/Australia New Zealand Food Authority (ANZFA) guidelines. Complaints relating to food handling or food products are investigated by the Town's Environmental Health Officer.

Food Safe

The Town's Health Officer promotes the FoodSafe and FoodSafe Plus Food Handler Training Programs. For more information on this basic food handler training package please contact the Environmental Health Officer on (08) 9339 9315.

Food Premises

Any person considering the development or purchase of a food business should contact the Environmental Health Officer prior to making an offer to purchase or entering into a lease agreement.

New food businesses must comply with the Building Code, the Food Act 2008 and Standard 3.2.3 food Premises and Equipment found in chapter three of the Australia New Zealand food Standards Code.

Please contact the Town on (08) 9339 9339 to discuss food registration notification requirements.