Insects and Pests
The Town can be contacted for advice on pest control and the safe use of pesticides, in particular in relation to rats, mice, flies, mosquitoes and European wasps.
For more detailed information on pesticides and pest control, please contact the Pesticide Safety Section of the Health Department of WA by calling 9383 4244.
To report a beehive or swarm in a public area please contact the following:
Bee swarms are a relatively common occurrence in September, October and November in Western Australia but can be found at other times of the year too. Swarming is a response to lack of space in the hive and typically happens as spring nectar flows start and hive numbers need to expand. A decision is made by the hive to take the Queen and her workers to a new, spacious home where they can maximise the nectar on offer.
When bees swarm, they are most unlikely to sting, so despite their appearance, people should not fear them, just treat them with respect. When a cluster of bees is seen hanging on a tree branch or similar, they are not thinking of setting up home there! They are in transition, clustered around their Queen and waiting for the scout bees to find new accommodation.
This is the best time to remove them - before they make a permanent home somewhere inconvenient and become a feral hive. There are many beekeepers who are available to remove the cluster of bees at this stage - below are Swarmcatchers in the area:
Daniel Bremer |
0411 808 383 |
Metro South |
A bee friendly licensed pest control man |
Soren Houlberg |
0432 265 922 |
Metro South / Rockingham / Kwinana / Mandurah / Secret Harbour / Port Kennedy / Casuarina / Byford / Mundijong / Wandi / Beeliar / Cockburn |
Public Liability insurance, ABN
Myles Kelly |
0417 927 202 |
Lynwood / Ferndale / Willeton / Canning Vale / Leeming / Shelley / Gosnells / Southern River / Cannington and south of the river |
Kim Newbold |
0418 939 259 |
Perth Metro and South to Mandurah |
Cutouts and difficult removals will be quoted |
John Rogers |
0457 230 191 |
City of Vic Park / Gosnells / Canning / Melville / Cockburn / Belmont / Fremantle
Free Advice for Bee problems - just send me a photo first.
Experienced, reliable, insured. Swarm collection $80+
For an extensive list of Swarmcatchers, please visit the WA Apiarists Society website.
Rats are endemic in the Fremantle and metropolitan area and could pose a health risk to the community. Our proximity to the Port and our lifestyle makes East Fremantle attractive to rodents.
We recommend that everyone in the community bait their homes at least twice a year to help control the problem. The Town also provides limited quantities of rat bait "ReadiRac" to residents free of charge.
Baits may be placed beside walls, in ceiling cavities, in dark safe places such as behind stoves and refrigerators and in sheds. Ensure baits are out of reach of children and domestic pets.
Other precautions householders should take to prevent rats inhabiting areas around the family home include:
- Remove rotten and dried fruit and nuts from trees or vines at the end of the season
- Clean up food scraps around poultry yards and rubbish bins
- Maintain rubbish and compost containers ensuring they do not have any holes
- Do not allow junk and garden refuse to accumulate in your yard and sheds
- Keep pet food dishes clean.
Occupiers and owners of premises are reminded that they are equally responsible for vermin control on their properties and should minimise conditions that could harbour rodents.
Found a snake in your home or garden?
Move slowly away, please do not approach or aggravate it in any way. Ensure your pets are safe and cannot access the snake.
Please contact a licenced pest controller or reptile handler.
As the weather warms up in spring and summer, snakes come out of brumation to bask in the sunlight, find food and find a mate. They may cause potential risks for people and their pets. People and snakes can live peacefully side by side if they are careful and take precautions to reduce the possibility of encountering a snake.
The European wasp looks similar to a common paper wasp but is slightly smaller (the size of a bee), has black rather than yellow antennae and builds underground nests.
Please refer to the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development's Wasp Identification Guide for more information.
To adopt a trap or report a European wasp sighting, call the Pest and Disease Information Service on (08) 9368 3080, or email
For more information on this exotic pest visit the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development website. in a new windowwebsi
If you are experiencing problems on your property with wasps, other than European Wasps, contact a licensed pest controller to treat the nest.