Parking in East Fremantle

Parking Guide - Town of East Fremantle

How we manage parking in our Town

Managing parking in our Town is all about striking the right balance.  Our Rangers do this by balancing the needs of all users of our roads, footpaths, verges and car parks to ensure fair and reasonable access for everyone. This includes motorists, cyclists and pedestrians.

We do this by:

  • Promoting free and un-timed car parks in our Town 
  • Educating our residents and road users about sharing our public spaces through the provision of information via our website and publications as well as through signage and markings on our streets.
  • Ensuring that cars don’t park across driveways and crossovers or blocking footpaths and verges.
  • Making sure parking bays in high-demand areas such as near our George Street and Canning Highway commercial centres are time-limited so that you can park near where you want to eat/drink/shop.
  • Regulating parking near our boat ramps, parks and reserves so that everyone gets a chance to use these facilities.
  • Making sure that illegally parked and abandoned vehicles are moved on.
  • Issuing warnings and cautions for minor infringements, as we would much rather guide you to the right places to park than issue tickets.

The Town uses compliance and enforcement strategies to achieve legislated objectives and community safety by implementing a cooperative and collaborative approach to education, compliance and enforcement action to achieve the best outcomes for the community. The Town is heavily focused on education to achieve voluntary compliance, and issues 2.5 cautions to every 1 infringement.

How our laws apply to you 

All streets, thoroughfares, carriageways, carparks and footpaths are subject to the provisions of both the Road Traffic Code of Western Australia (2000) and the Town of East Fremantle Parking Local Law 2016 at all times.

It is the driver's responsibility to be conversant and compliant with the provisions of both the Road Traffic Code of Western Australia (2000) and the Town of East Fremantle Parking Local Law 2016 when they either drive or park in the Town of East Fremantle.

Illegal parking causes frustration, inconvenience and irritation to other drivers and road users, and in many cases, illegal parking can be dangerous and may be harmful to other motorists, pedestrians and cyclists.

The Town's Parking laws are designed to maximise the use of available space, provide equitable access to parking facilities (with regard to the conflicting requirements of residents, businesses, visitors, pedestrians, cyclists) and also regarding other traffic management issues.

Rangers are tasked and authorised to enforce the provisions of the Town's Parking Local Law and Rangers routinely issue infringement notices for any contraventions of the local laws. The Town is committed to being transparent and applies procedural fairness for all enforcement and prosecution related matters.

Parking at Leeuwin Boat Ramp Car Park


Per hour - $4.90

Per day - $19.60 (24 hours)

Please note if you are out in the water and your parking ticket is due to expire, please ring the Ranger on 9339 9339 to advise.  If you reach the After Hours Call Centre, please request they contact the Ranger immediately.

Once you have returned to the car park, please ring the Ranger again on 9339 9339 so that he can attend on site and give you assistance in calculating what extra fees need to be paid.

It should be noted that the Leeuwin Boat Ramp carpark is the only paid parking in the Town, with many locations offering free car parking elsewhere in East Fremantle, including locations close to the Swan River and other attractions.  A full list of free car parking locations in the Town is available online and in our parking brochure.

Services and Safety Upgraded at Leeuwin Boat Ramp

The Town of East Fremantle has improved facilities at the Leeuwin Boat Ramp and the adjacent car park in response to concerns about safety in the area for recreational river and foreshore users and their vehicles.    

In recent years, there have been reported incidences of break-ins to cars and damage to boats at boat ramp car parks throughout Perth in riverside locations.  To prevent such incidences in East Fremantle, the Town is responding by prioritising Ranger patrols at the site.

The Town is also working with the Department of Transport and WA Police to increase security and surveillance of the carpark, and is commencing a public education campaign to raise awareness about the importance of parking securely near the boat ramp and notifying loved ones of travel plans and times prior to embarking on the water.  The Town will work with local clubs including the Swan Yacht Club and East Fremantle Yacht Club to spread awareness amongst their members.

Anyone seeking clarification or advice about parking in the Town of East Fremantle is invited to contact the Town on 9339 9339 during business hours or by email to

View information on Leeuwin Car Park and Boat Ramp Parking