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Boat Ramp Parking Permit - Application Form and information

At its Ordinary Meeting of Council on the 11 December 2018, Council resolved to reinstate Policy 117 Leeuwin Boat Ramp and Carpark 

The Policy allows ratepayers who meet the policy requirements to apply for a parking permit to utilise the Leeuwin Carpark and Ramp.

Please note that an annual administration fee of $56.00 is payable, prior to the permit being issued.

To be eligible, applicants must be

  • an owner and occupier of a rateable property in the Town of East Fremantle,
  • the motor vehicle, boat and trailer must all be registered under the applicants name, and registered to the rateable property.

Policy 117 provides a number of conditions to apply for the issue of a permit.  These include:

  • Permits are available only to ratepayers who are occupants of their house or property of the Town of East Fremantle, who are required to produce evidence to the effect that the motor vehicle, boat and trailer are registered at their normal place of address.
  •  The permit is laminated and must be placed on the drivers side of the front window (bottom right).
  •  Maximum of one permit per owners of a rateable property, regardless of additional properties owned.
  •  Originals of driver’s licence, motor vehicle, trailer and boat registrations must be presented every year when making application.
  •  If the permit is not displayed correctly, a parking infringement notice may be issued.

Residents/ratepayers are required to complete an application form - please ensure that all sections on both sides of the form are completed.

Download Launching Ramp Permit Application Form

View Leeuwin Boat Ramp Parking Policy

If you have any queries, please contact the Town via phone (08) 9339 9339 or email