If you wish to breed cats you are required to seek approval from the Town.
All cats in Western Australia are required to be sterilised unless they are owned by an approved cat breeder for the purpose of breeding.
You will be considered a cat breeder even if you only intend to breed one litter from your cat.
When selling or giving away a cat, legislation states that it must be microchipped and sterilised prior to the transfer of ownership. If the cat is too young to be sterilised, you must provide a prepaid sterilisation voucher to the new owner.
To be eligible for approval you must:
- be over 18 years old
- have sufficient facilities, and suitable premises, to breed cats in a safe and ethical way
- be a fit and proper person to breed cats
- be a current member of a prescribed cat organisation.
You will be ineligible for approval if you have been convicted of two or more offences under animal legislation in the past three years.
You may also be ineligible for registration if you have been issued with an infringement notice under the cat legislation within the past 12 months.
Application form and breeding fee
The cost for breeding is $100 per breeding cat. Please complete the application to breed cats below. The Town may refuse the application if any or all of the required information is not provided within 21 days of lodging the application as per Section 37 (3) of the Cat Act 2011.
Application to breed cats
Once your application has been assessed you will receive an email of approval. Please contact the Town to arrange payment.
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