Building Permits, Applications and Forms
A building permit is required prior to commencing construction for most structures (residential, commercial or industrial) including but not limited to new works, additions, alterations, commercial fitouts and refurbishments, changes to ground levels, swimming pools, spas and pool barriers.
How to submit a building permit application:
Applications are to be submitted by:
(Lodgement by email is the Town's preferred method)
Certified Application for a Building Permit (BA1)
Certified building permit applications can be made for any class of building or structure.
A certified building permit application is mandatory for Classes 2-9 buildings e.g. shops, apartments, warehouses, offices, factories.
Certified applications are optional for Class 1 buildings e.g. residential houses and Class 10 structures e.g. sheds, swimming pools, patios.
For a certified application, you must engage a private building surveyor to complete a Certificate of Design Compliance (CDC) prior to lodging the building permit application to the Town.
The processing time is 10 business days to assess a certified building application as in accordance with the Building Act 2011.
Application for a Certified Building Permit
Checklist - Certified Building Permit
Uncertified Application for a Building Permit (BA2)
An uncertified application is submitted to the Town for assessment without a Certificate of Design Compliance (CDC).
Uncertified building permit application can be used for:
- Class 1 buildings e.g. residential houses
- Class 10 structures (non-inhabitable) e.g. sheds, patios, pergolas, retaining walls, swimming pools
The processing time is 25 business days to assess an uncertified building application as in accordance with the Building Act 2011.
If further information is required, a letter will be sent to the applicant requesting further information. The applicant will have 21 business days to provide the information.
Under the Building Act 2011, the Town has the right to refuse an application if all required information is not provided within the 21-day timeframe provided. The Town also has the right to retain the application fee.
Application for an Uncertified Building Permit
Checklist - Uncertified Building Permit
Demolition Permit
A demolition permit is required for demolition work on a whole or part of a building or structure. There are health requirements that need to be complied with, particularly for removing asbestos and the decommissioning of septic tanks. Service providers are to be notified before demolition work commences e.g. Water Corporation, Western Power, Alinta Gas, Telstra).
You may require Development Approval if the demolition works are located in a heritage-protected plan.
If the demolition works is likely to encroach or adversely affect adjoining land, you will be required to notify and gain consent of the adjoining land owner(s) prior to demolition permit being granted and the work commencing.
To apply for a demolition permit, you need to submit the following:
- A completed Demolition Application form (BA5)
- Pay the Building and Construction Industry Training Fund Levy (BCITF) if the demolition works exceed $20K
- A scaled (min 1:200) site plan clearly indicating the building/s or section/s of the building/s to be demolished and the structures to be retained
- If partial demolition is proposed, it is required that you obtain structural engineers certification that the remaining portion of the building will not be structurally compromised.
- Demolition Contractor Worksafe Registration or proof of a valid legislative exemption
- Rat baiting certificate from a licensed pest control company.
- If the demolition works is likely to encroach or adversely affect adjoining land, you will be required to notify and gain consent of the adjoining land owner(s) prior to demolition permit being granted and the work commencing.
- All services are required to be disconnected prior to the issue of a Demolition Permit
Application for a Demolition Permit
Occupancy Permits for new buildings
Demolition of buildings containing asbestos are required to have the asbestos removed in accordance with the requirements of the Health (Asbestos) Regulations 1994. Copy of WorkSafe Asbestos Removal Licence required.
Authorities to Notify for Demolition Works:
- Water Corporation 13 13 85
- Western Power 13 10 87
- Alinta Energy 13 13 58
- WorkSafe 1300 307 877
Infrastructure Bonds
As part of the Town's commitment to public safety and maintaining the community's assets, the property owner or builder is required to pay an infrastructure bond upon lodgement of a building or demolition permit application. The bond protects the Town against damage to roads, footpaths, kerbs and drains during construction work.
$1,500 bond for value of works under $20,000
$3,000 bond for value of works between $20,001 - $100,000
$5,000 bond for value of works between $100,001 - $2 million or corner lot properties
$5,000 bond for Demolition permits
$2 million or over - Price based on replacement costs of adjacent Council assets, calculated by Executive Manager Technical Services
How to apply for an infrastructure bond refund:
You need to submit the following by email to
- A BA7 Notice of Completion
- Compliant Swimming Pool or Spa inspection report (If the completed works relate to a New Swimming Pool or Spa Safety Barrier)
- Infrastructure Bond Refund Request form
A site inspection will be undertaken by the Town pre and post works commencing. Subject to approval, the bond is refundable upon completion of works and restoration of Town property, including construction of a crossover, modifications to an existing crossover and verge clean-up. If any works have been made to the crossover without prior approval from the Town, the request for a bond refund will be placed on hold pending rectification.
Please allow approximately 5 weeks to process the refund.
Infrastructure Bond Refund Request
After construction (BA7)
Upon completion of all works, the builder or demolition contractor must submit a BA7 to the Town by email to within 7 working days of completion of works, or the stage of work, for which the permit was granted.
The person named as builder or demolition contractor remains liable for the building or demolition complying with the Building Act until a notice of cessation or a notice of completion is issued.
A notice of completion must state the work, or stage of the work, for which the permit is granted is completed and be accompanied by a copy of a certificate for each inspection or test that applies to the permit.
BA7 Notice of Completion
Extending the time of a permit
Building and demolition permits are valid for two years, unless otherwise stated on the permit, and the work must be completed within that time. It work has been substantially commenced but not completed when the permit expires, the Town may consider an application to extend the time on the permit.
Please note, submitting an application does not guarantee approval.
A BA22 can be submitted by email to
BA22 Application to Extend Time
Cancelling a building permit
A nominated builder or contractor can submit a BA8 for incomplete works. A BA8 identifies at what stage the building works have ceased. The person named as the builder or demolition contractor remains liable for the building or demolition complying with the Building Act until a notice of cessation or a notice of completion is issued.
A BA8 can be submitted by email to
BA8 Notice Of Cessation
Materials on Verge Permit
A verge permit can be applied for to use during building, demolition or development works subject to the Town's approval. Sheds and toilets will not be permitted.
Please note that a verge permit will only be issued where there is limited space due to the size of the lot or the nature of the building design.
A Materials on Verge Permit can be submitted by email to
Application To Place Materials On Verge Permit
Occupancy Permit
An occupancy permit grants approval for a building to be occupied or used. Details of the Occupancy Permit or a copy must be displayed at or near the main entrance to the building, clearly visible to occupiers and visitors to the building.
It is an offence under the Building Act 2011 (the Act) to occupy a building without a valid Occupancy Permit. Substantial penalties apply under the Act and Building Regulations 2012 for non-compliance with this requirement.
When do I need to obtain an Occupancy Permit?
Before a Class 2 to Class 9 building can be occupied, an Occupancy Permit must be obtained from the Town. The following circumstances will require an Occupancy Permit:
- To occupy a completed new building or a new part of an existing building
- To occupy an incomplete building or part of a building on a temporary basis
- To modify a current Occupancy Permit for additional use of a building on a temporary basis
- To occupy a building or part of a building that has undergone a permanent change of use or classification
- To authorise and occupy an unauthorised building or an unauthorised part of a building
- To authorise a building with an existing approval with a new or replacement occupancy permit.
Occupancy Permits for new buildings
To apply for an Occupancy Permit for new completed buildings, the following must be submitted:
- BA9 - Application for occupancy permit
- A Certificate of Construction Compliance (Form BA17) signed by a registered private building surveyor
- Evidence of approval from various authorities under written law as relevant to the building or incidental structure
- Prescribed fees, refer to schedule of fees
Occupancy Permits for existing authorised occupied buildings
Before an Occupancy Permit can be issued for an existing authorised building, the following information must be submitted:
- BA9 - Application for occupancy permit
- A Certificate of Building Compliance (Form BA18) signed by a registered private building surveyor confirming that the existing building has been inspected and it complies with all applicable building standards it was approved under
- Prescribed fees, refer to schedule of fees
Occupancy Permits for existing unauthorised buildings
To enable the Town to issue a retrospective Occupancy Permit for an existing unauthorised building and/or change of use, the following information must be submitted:
- BA9 - Application for occupancy permit
- A Certificate of Building Compliance (Form BA18) signed by a registered private building surveyor confirming that the building has been inspected and it complies with all current applicable building standards
- Prescribed fees, refer to schedule of fees
Submit an Occupancy Permit application
A building must be completed with all services (i.e. electrical, mechanical, fire and hydraulic services) installed and operational before an Occupancy Permit application is submitted to the Town. Please note that technical certificates from specialists and trades may be required to be lodged with your application. Please consult with your registered private building surveyor.
BA9 Application For Occupancy Permit
The Occupancy Permit Application can be submitted by email to
The Town has 10 business days to make a decision on an Occupancy Permit application. In some instances, a further information request letter will be sent to the nominated builder or applicant if the Town determines that additional information is required. The builder/applicant has 21 calendar days to provide the requested information. The Occupancy Permit application would be put on hold pending the submission of the requested information. If the additional information is not received within the 21 day time frame, the Town has the right to refuse the application and retain the application fee.
Sea Container Placement Permit
A sea container can be temporarily located on the verge of a property, subject to the Town's approval. Please submit your request by email to
The following conditions apply:
- Approval required from the Town prior to a Sea Container being delivered on site
- Permit is valid for 7 days
- The footpath is to be kept clear at all times.
- Right of way and line of sight to neighbouring properties is to be kept clear at all times.
- Carriageway and verge area to be cleaned of all debris upon removal of the skip bin.
Sea Container Placement Permit Application
Skip Bin Permit
A skip bin can be temporary located on the verge area and/or carriageways for a maximum of four weeks, subject to the Town's approval.
An application form must be submitted to Ranger Services no later than seven days prior to the placement of the skip bin on public property.
Please allow up to seven days to process your application. Once approved, the Town will contact you to arrange payment.
Extend a Skip Bin Permit
If you require the bin for longer than four weeks, you can re-apply for an extension of the permit.
An extension of 14 days maximum will only be considered if the application is received prior to the expiry of the existing permit.
This extension will also be dependent on prevailing conditions or pre applications.
If the application for extension is not received prior to the expiry date, a new application will need to be resubmitted, and a full application fee will apply. Please refer to the Town's Schedule of Fees and Charges.
Conditions for Skip Bins
- The footpath is to be kept clear at all times.
- Right of way and line of sight to neighbouring properties is to be kept clear at all times.
- Carriageway and verge area to be cleaned of all debris upon removal of the skip bin.
Where the skip bin is to be positioned on a carriageway:
- It is to be as close to the kerb as possible ensuring the outer side does not project outside solid white line delineating parking area from roadway travel lane.
- Warning cones at each external corner of the skip bin.
- A vehicle is to be parked behind the bin at night to allow vehicle’s rear reflectors to warn of the hazard on carriageway or install a flashing hazard light or reflectors on each corner of the skip bin
- You are responsible for the cost of all repairs to the carriageway that may be caused by the placement of the skip bin on the carriageway.
- Skip bins are not to be placed within one (1) meter of fire hydrant or hydrant asphalt markings on carriageway.
- Skip bins are not to be placed in loading bay.
Please note: this is not an exhaustive list of conditions. Each application will be assessed on a case-by-case basis and other conditions may be required. Payment will only be deducted from Credit Card if skip bin permit or extension permit is approved.
Skip Bin Permit Application Form
Skip Bin Extension Application Form
Skip Bin Fact Sheet
Fees and charges
Fee Calculators
Building Fees Schedule 2024/25