Town of East Fremantle Policy Register 

The Council has adopted a Policy Register which provides the Council and Town staff with guidelines over a range of issues.

Policies are not binding, but provide a basis for determining individual applications or requests.

Policies also enable the community to be aware of the reasoning behind decisions.

Town of East Fremantle Policy Register

Local Laws

The following Local Laws have been adopted by the Council:

Note: Copies of Repealed Local Laws can be found on the Department of Local, Sport and Cultural Industries website

Cat Local Law 2016

The objective of this local law is to provide for the regulation and control of cats.

Cat Local Law 2016

Dog Local Law 2016

The objective of this local law is to provide for the regulation, control and management of the keeping of dogs and kennel establishments within the district.

Dog Local Law 2016

Fencing Local Law

The objective of this local law is to provide for the regulation, control and management of fences within the district.

Fencing Local Law

Meeting Procedure Local Law

the objective of this local law is to provide information to the rules that apply to the conduct of meetings of the Council, its committees and to meetings of electors.

Meeting Procedure Local Law

Public Places & Local Government Property Local Law 2016

The objective of this local law is to provide for the regulation, control and management of activities and facilities on local government property, thoroughfares and public places within the district.

Public Places & Local Government Property Local Law 2016

Parking Local Law 2016

The objective of this local law is to regulate the parking or standing of vehicles in all or specified thoroughfares and reserves under the care, control and management of the local government and to provide for the management and operation of parking facilities.

Parking Local Law 2016

Penalty Units Local Law 2016

The objective of this local law is to advise that where a local law expresses a modified penalty as a number of penalty units, the monetary value of the modified penalty is expressed in the number of dollars.

Penalty Units Local Law 2016

Repeal Local Law 2017

This local law provides information about previous local laws that are now repealed.

Repeal Local Law 2017

Waste Local Law 2017

This local law outlines the requirements for kerbside waste pickup. 

Waste Local Law 2017

Waste Amendment Local Law 2017 

Waste Amendment Local Law 2017