Former Woodside Hospital Redevelopment

August 2023
At its meeting on 15 August 2023, Council resolved to forward a submission on the significant development application for the former Woodside Hospital site to the WA Planning Commission (WAPC). The submission stated that the Council was not willing to support the application based on a number of concerns. Over past months, the State Development Assessment Unit (SDAU) and the State Design Review Panel has undertaken their assessment of the proposal and in due course the SDAU will make a recommendation to the WAPC which will then determine the application at an upcoming meeting. The SDAU will advise the Town when the matter is to be considered by the WAPC and the Town will inform the community through the usual communication channels. The WAPC meetings are open to the public and the public can make deputations. Full details of the Council’s submission can be found at: – Item 13.6 page 283 of the Council Minutes.
July 2023
Public consultation has opened on a development application for the former Woodside Hospital site and two adjoining dwellings 18 & 26 Dalgety Street and 29 Fortescue Street, East Fremantle.
The application proposes a Residential Aged Care Facility with 160 beds, basement parking, a wellness centre, café, and two supported independent living dwellings each catering for three residents and a carer.
Development Application – Residential Aged Care Facility, Supported Independent Living and Wellness Centre - WA DPLH - Citizen Space
This application was submitted to the State Development Assessment Unit (SDAU) and will be assessed / determined by the SDAU and the WA Planning Commission (WAPC) under the ‘Significant Development’ pathway in accordance with planning legislation.
The Town is only a referral body for this application, providing comments, information and recommended conditions regarding the proposal. It is not involved in the consultation process. The Council is required to consider the proposal and should it wish to do so, formally make a submission to the WAPC.
The Town is not authorised to provide any information pertaining to this application as directed by the SDAU. All advertising of the proposal and the final determination will be undertaken by the SDAU/WAPC. All enquiries about the proposal should be directed to the SDAU using the above link.
Advertising commenced on Thursday, 20 July and will close on Friday, 18 August 2023. All relevant documentation associated with the application is available to be viewed and downloaded via the above link.
It is intended that Council will consider a submission on the application at its meeting of 15 August 2023. A Council meeting date will be confirmed through the usual communication channels.
April 2023
The applicant has advised the Town that the Joint Development Assessment Panel application for the site was officially withdrawn on 31 March 2023. A development application will now be submitted to the State Development Assessment Unit (SDAU - a division of the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage) for assessment and determination under the ‘Significant Development’ pathway under Section 17B of the Planning and Development Act, 2005 and determined by the WAPC.
The SDAU will now be responsible for the assessment and advertising of the application, not the Town. When the proposal is advertised to the community, submissions must be made to the WAPC via the SDAU process. At the same time the advertising occurs the application will be referred to the Town and the Council will be invited to provide information, comments and/or recommended conditions in relation to the application. An officer report will be prepared on this basis and presented to Council in due course. Further updates will be provided to the community as to the Council meeting date at which a Council submission will be considered.
The WAPC meetings at which ‘Significant Development’ applications are determined are open to the public and the members of the public can apply to make a deputation to the meeting. When the Town is advised of the WAPC meeting date it will convey this information to the community through the usual communication channels.
Should you require more information in regard to the ‘Significant Development’ application pathway this is available on the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage website at WAPC meeting dates and agendas are also posted on this website. Alternatively, you can contact the SDAU or the Town for more information.
The Town will provide updates on the progress of the development application through the usual channels at relevant times.
February 2023
Last year the due date for the Responsible Authority Report was extended to 31 January 2023 to allow for discussions between the Town and the applicant to continue. A further request for an extension of time until 1 May 2023 has been agreed to by the applicant and confirmed by the DAP Office.
The additional traffic information requested by Main Roads and the Town has been received from the applicant and forwarded to Main Roads WA for its review and comment. The response from the National Trust WA in regard to the mid-century maternity wing buildings, requested last October, has been received and will be reported to Council in due course.
As discussions with the applicant and Hall & Prior are still ongoing, the date of the Council Meeting at which the application will be considered has not been finalised. The Town will continue to update the community in regard to the progress of the application, the confirmed due date for the Responsible Authority Report and Council meeting date, when finalised, through the usual communication channels.
15 December 2022
The due date for the Responsible Authority Report has been extended to 31 January 2023 to allow for discussions between the Town and the applicant to continue and for the additional information requested from Main Roads WA, the Town and the National Trust WA to be received.
As discussions are still ongoing, the date of the Council Meeting at which the application will be considered has not been finalised. The Town will continue to update the community in regard to the progress of the development application and Council meeting dates, when finalised, through the usual communication channels.
October 2022
Following the Special Meeting of Electors held on Thursday 15 September 2022, the Town's Officers met with representatives of Hall & Prior to discuss its planning assessment and concerns held by the community. Hall & Prior will now take some time to consider the planning assessment and community concerns raised, before further discussions with the Town take place. The timeframe for completing the Responsible Authority Report (RAR) on the development proposal has been extended due to a request by the Town and Main Roads WA for further information in relation to planning and traffic matters.
At this stage, a completion date for the RAR has not been provided by the DAP Office, therefore the date of the Council Meeting at which the RAR will be considered has not been determined. The community will be advised of this date via the Town’s communication channels (TownTalk {e-News} and the Town's website).
Hall & Prior has requested that any enquiries in relation to the Community Reference Group mentioned at the Special Meeting of Electors be directed to
The Motions raised at the Special Meeting of Electors will be considered at the Council Meeting to be held on Tuesday, 18 October 2022 at 6.30pm. A report on the matter will be available on Friday, 15 October.
Woodside Aged Care
August 2022
A Special Electors' Meeting will be held on Thursday, 15 September at 6.00pm in Council Chambers in response to a petition containing over 100 signatures regarding the former Woodside Hospital development site, (Lot 250) 18 - (Lot 114) 26 Dalgety Street & (Lot 116) 29 Fortescue Street East Fremantle.
Please be advised the below documents are available for information for the purposes of the Special Electors' Meeting only. The advertising period for this application has now closed and the Town will not be accepting further submissions. This information will be removed after the Special Electors' Meeting.
JDAP Development Application Report
JDAP Application for Development Approval
Heritage Conservation
Building Heights
Consultation - July 2022
A Joint Development Assessment Panel (JDAP) application has been submitted seeking approval for a residential aged care facility and incidental uses. In summary, the complex will comprise of the following:
- 158 aged care beds and associated facilities and amenities in a 3 to 4 storey complex;
- Wellness centre for residents and clients of the aged care provider, comprising of reception, 5 consulting rooms, exercise, strength and conditioning facilities, massage/therapy room and hydrotherapy pool;
- Two supported independent living homes, comprising 3 bedrooms, shared amenities and 1 live-in carer’s accommodation in each of the dwellings at 26 Dalgety and 29 Fortescue Street;
- Restoration of Woodside House, a building on the State Register of Heritage Places for 4 aged care accommodation suites/facilities/amenities and an ancillary café to cater for the residents, staff and visitors of the facility;
- 94 on-site vehicle parking bays in above and below ground parking accessed via Dalgety and Fortescue Street.
Full details of the development application, including plans, elevations and supporting technical report are available here:
or at Town Hall, 135 Canning Highway, East Fremantle, Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 4.30pm.
You are invited to comment on the proposal here or written comments can be lodged via email ( or by post to PO Box 1097, Fremantle WA 6959 and should be received on or before Friday, 12 August 2022.
You are advised that any written comments received are considered public documents and will be made available to the applicant, the Council and the JDAP. Written comments will also be included as an attachment to the Responsible Authority Report on the JDAP application.
All owners, occupiers and interested persons who provide comments will be advised of the date of the Council meeting at which Council will consider the Responsible Authority Report.
The Report will be made available on our website on the Thursday prior to the meeting via this link. You will be given the opportunity to address this meeting should you wish.
Should you have any queries or wish to discuss the proposal please contact Christine Catchpole by telephoning 9339 9319.
March 2022
Aged-care provider Hall & Prior is progressing the design of a health and aged-care precinct at the one-time Woodside maternity hospital.
The redevelopment of the one hectare site will create approximately 150 aged-care beds, for singles and couples, in a precinct with specialist palliative, dementia, disability and young disability care services.
Hall & Prior is designing a project that will preserve the Woodside House to ensure this State heritage listed building is restored and is thoughtfully integrated into a contemporary aged-care complex and into the wider locality.
Hall and Prior is putting significant emphasis on careful planning of the site in relation to heritage and tree protection/landscaping and other planning requirements in the design process. The design process has also involved a three-stage assessment by the State Design Review Panel.
It is proposed an application will be submitted under the State government Development Assessment Panel (DAP) planning approval system toward the middle of 2022. The application will be advertised formally to the community, and when invited, feedback on the proposal can be directed to the Town.
Hall & Prior - Woodside Health & Aged Care Precinct Regeneration