
Litter is anything that is left where it is not meant or authorised to be and includes:

  • Incorrectly discarding rubbish in a public place
  • Dumping rubbish in Reserves or vacant land
  • Depositing domestic or commercial waste in a public bin
  • Items escaping from an insecure load
  • Posting publicity material (bill posting) in a public place or on a vehicle without permission of the owner
  • Abandoning shopping trolleys
  • Careless disposal of cigarette butts.

Reporting Littering

Littering offences should be reported by the Snap Send Solve app. Alternatively littering may be reported to the Keep Australia Beautiful Council (KABC).

Any person may register to be a ‘Keep Australia Beautiful Council Litter Reporter' by contacting Keep Australia Beautiful on (08) 6364 6452.

Litter reporters are sent blank report forms for recording of relevant littering offence details. These forms are completed and returned to Keep Australia Beautiful Council who will issue the offender with an infringement notice on receipt of the report.

Requests regarding illegal dumping/litter will be action as soon as possible and the Town will respond when they can.

Shopping Trolleys

Abandoned trolleys can cause damage to vehicles and cyclists and make the streetscape unsightly. In the best interest of the community shopping trolleys need to be returned to relevant shopping centres.

If you see an abandoned shopping trolley, try to find out who owns it and if it is from Big W or Woolworths phone Trolley Tracker on 1900 641 497 who will collect the trolley.

Alternatively, details of abandoned trolleys may be reported directly to the trolley shop owner or reception at Town of East Fremantle.