Application for Sea Container Permit

Please note the following permit fees and conditions apply: 

  • Permit fee as per schedule of fees and charges
  • Permits are valid for 7 days.
  • Footpath is to be kept clear at all times.
  • Carriageway and verge area to be cleaned of all debris upon removal of the sea container.

    Where the sea container is to be positioned on a carriageway:
    - It is to be as close to the kerb as possible ensuring outer side does not project outside solid white line delineating parking area from roadway travel lane.
    - Warning cones at each external corner of the sea container.
    - A vehicle is to be parked behind the container at night to allow vehicle’s rear reflectors to warn of the hazard on carriageway or install a flashing hazard light or reflectors on each corner of the skip bin.
    - You are responsible for the cost of all repairs to the carriageway that may be caused by the placement of the sea container on the carriageway.

  • Sea containers are not to be placed within one (1) meter of fire hydrant or hydrant asphalt markings on carriageway.
  • Sea containers are not to be placed in loading bay.

    Please note this is not an exhaustive list of conditions. Each application will be assessed on a case-by-case basis and other conditions may be required. Payment will only be deducted from Credit Card over the phone if the sea container permit is approved

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