Listings for Community » Children

12 results found

  • Army Cadet Unit 56

    Parade Times - Tuesday 18:30 to 21:30

    Karen Dore
    0438 695 711 (Private)
    Leeuwin Barracks riverside road EAST FREMANTLE Western Australia 6158
  • East Fremantle Child Health Clinic

    Clinical Nurse onsite Tuesday to Friday (Child Health) School Nurse onsite Monday (Enuresis Clinic) Central booking line for appointments 1300 749 869.

    9319 2384
    1300 749 869
    Sumpton Green Fletcher Street EAST FREMANTLE WA 6158
  • East Fremantle Family Playgroup

    Playgroup is a place where young children (aged 0-5 years) can come. The parents can drink coffee, make friends and share the parenting journey, while their children play in a safe and lovely indoor / outdoor environment. We are an incorporated, not-for-profit run by a volunteer committee. We have two general meetings: one in March and one in November..

    Laura Fitzgerald (President)
    Sumpton Green, Locke Park Cnr Fletcher & Hamilton Streets EAST FREMANTLE WA 6158
  • East Fremantle Junior Cricket Club

    Cricket is Australia's favourite sport… so let's play! All registrations must be done online through: To register, you will need your child’s MyCricket ID. Any questions please email

    Henry Jeffery Oval East Fremantle corner of preston point and wauhop roads in east fremantle East Fremantle Australia WA 6158
    PO Box 201 Palmyra Australia WA 6957
  • East Fremantle Junior Football Club

    Junior AFL football from Y3 to Y12. Developing junior football within the East Fremantle region. Season commences February each year, playing through to September.

    Henry Jeffery Oval EAST FREMANTLE Australia WA 6158
    PO Box 43 PALMYRA Australia WA 6957
  • East Fremantle Lawn Tennis Club

    East Fremantle Lawn Tennis Club provides tennis for all ages and abilities in a friendly, healthy and social environment. We also provide courts for hire to the general public. Our main organised social play is held Saturday afternoons with the Junior club being held in the meeting. Ladies tennis is held every Wednesday morning followed by morning tea. On top of this we provide other informal social play throughout the week which is listed on our website. ONLINE COURT BOOKING IS HERE!!! Book-A-Court is easy to use, and you’ll always get on court when you’ve made a booking. Just visit, book and pay online to receive unique access instructions for the court(s) you’ve booked. Enter your PIN at the court entrance, and play. Enjoy your hit!

    Janine Ahern (Club Manager)
    0466 723 022
    0466 723 022
    Preston Point Road, cnr Petra Street EAST FREMANTLE Australia WA 6158
    c/- 37 Bristol Avenue BICTON Australia WA 6157
  • East Fremantle Primary School

    Education from Pre-Primary to Year 6

    9335 6136
    8 Forrest Street FREMANTLE 6160
  • Fremantle Sea Scouts

    Scouting is about helping young people being the best they can be, developing all facets of life so they can grow to become constructive citizens in their communities. Fun, challenge, adventure and lifelong friendships await those girls and boys, men and women who join Scouts. Learning life skills, growing in self confidence and gaining valuable leadership and team skills are all part of the Scout program. Cubs and Joeys meet Wednesday evening and Scouts and Venturers on Thursday night. Sailing on Saturdays.

    Jerrat Drive EAST FREMANTLE Australia WA 6158
    PO Box 211 PALMYRA Australia WA 6157
  • Richmond Primary School

    Education for children, Kindy to Year 6

    9438 8700
    37 Windsor Road EAST FREMANTLE 6158
  • State Swim - Swim School

    Visit our online business directory -

  • Stepping Stones Child Development Centre - Pre-Kindy/Kindy

    Not-for-profit, 40 places Pre-Kindy/Kindy program in East Fremantle for children from two years nine months to five years. Open 7.30am to 5.30pm, 50 weeks per year. Program aligns with Early Years Learning Framework and WA Kindergarten Curriculum. Beautiful nature playground with real grass. Small team of experienced and passionate teachers who recognise the importance of strong community connections and relationships.

    6 Fortescue Street East Fremantle WA 6158
  • TS Perth - Australian Navy Cadets
    Riverside Road EAST FREMANTLE Australia WA 6158
    PO Box 137 MELVILLE Australia WA 6156