Town embraces Owl-Friendly Initiative

Published on Friday, 23 August 2024 at 4:17:00 PM

Council resolved to become an Owl and Bird Friendly Council at its Ordinary Council Meeting on Tuesday 20 August. 

Since December 2022, the Town has proudly supported the Owl Friendly Principles and Practices, alongside Birdlife Australia’s Action Plan.

As part of this commitment, the Town has been proactive in phasing out the use of harmful Second-Generation Anticoagulant Rodenticides (SGARs), which has become a growing concern and affects not only the owl population but is a threat to pets and other wildlife when they consume rodents that have ingested toxic baits.

By becoming an Owl Friendly Council, the Town will formalise its alliance with the Owl Friendly initiative, joining other Councils in the region in their commitment to protecting native wildlife.

It will also continue to educate residents on safe alternatives to rodenticides and, where required, to only use first generation poisons such as Warfarin or Coumatetralyl that break down quickly and minimise the risk of secondary poisoning.

To find out more about the Owl Friendly initiative visit Birdlife Australia website. 

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