Current Consultations - Development Applications Development Applications CTP061/24 - 7 View Terrace - amendment to existing DA Posted: 13/03/2025 Closing Date: 28/03/2025 11:50 PM A development application has been submitted seeking approval for amendments to an existing development application. You are invited to inspect the plans here. CTP017/25 - 85 Fortesceue Street - patio Posted: 13/03/2025 Closing Date: 28/03/2025 11:50 PM A development application has been submitted seeking approval for a patio. You are invited to inspect the plans here. CTP018/25 - 12 Canning Highway - alterations and additions - alfresco above garage Posted: 13/03/2025 Closing Date: 28/03/2025 11:50 PM A development application has been submitted seeking approval for P018/25. You are invited to inspect the plans here. CTP013/25 - 13B Pier Street - Alfresco Posted: 28/02/2025 Closing Date: 17/03/2025 11:50 PM A development application has been submitted seeking approval for an alfresco structure. You are invited to inspect the plans here. CTP014/25 - 43 Duke Street - short term rental accommodation - unhosted Posted: 28/02/2025 Closing Date: 17/03/2025 11:50 PM A development application has been submitted seeking approval for short term rental accommodation. You are invited to inspect the plans here. CTP015/25 - 40 View Terrace - alterations and additions Posted: 01/03/2025 Closing Date: 17/03/2025 11:50 PM A development application has been submitted seeking approval for alterations and additions. You are invited to inspect the plans here. CTP012/25 - 79 Oakover Street - Proposed alterations and additions (verandah extension) Posted: 27/02/2025 Closing Date: 14/03/2025 11:50 PM A development application has been submitted seeking approval for alterations and additions (extension to verandah). You are invited to inspect the plans here. CTP011/25 - 62 Fortescue Street - proposed new double storey dwelling Posted: 27/02/2025 Closing Date: 14/03/2025 11:50 PM A development application has been submitted seeking approval for a double storey dwelling. You are invited to inspect the plans here.