Meeting Protocols Typical Committee Meeting Procedure Presiding Member opens meeting, welcomes gallery and introduces Councillors and staff. Presiding Member seeks: Apologies Presentations Deputations and Petitions Leave of Absence (Previously Granted) Public Question Time Confirmation of Minutes Leave of Absence (Requested) Late Correspondence Reports of Committees. Reports of Officers: Presiding Member requests members of the public who wish to speak to, or hear a particular matter to identify themselves and the agenda item number of the relevant report. These matters are then brought forward and dealt with first. This minimises the length of time individuals have to wait. As each item is considered, members of the public may address committee for a maximum time of 5 minutes. The proposal is then debated and a recommendation adopted by the Committee. When all Reports of Officers are dealt with, the following matters are considered: Business Without Notice by Permission of the Meeting Meeting is closed.