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About Us

Address - 135 Canning Highway, East Fremantle

Telephone - 08 9339 9339

Email -

Administration Hours - Monday to Friday 8:30am to 5:00pm (front door closes at 4:30pm)

Postal Address - PO Box 1097, Fremantle WA 6959

Media enquiries - 0459 667 372 or email 

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2023 Abolition of Wards 


Distance from Perth (km) 18
Area (sq km) 3.2
Length of sealed roads (km) 46
Length of unsealed roads (km) 0
Population 8,060
Number of Electors  5,729
Number of Dwellings 3,430
Total Rates $9,528,809
Total Operating Revenue $11.9M
Number of Employees 60