What is Freedom of Information (FOI)?

Access to documents

The Western Australian Freedom of Information Act 1992 (the FOI Act) gives the public the right to apply for access to documents held by State Public Sector agencies.

Agencies are required to assist the public to obtain access to documents at the lowest reasonable cost, and to ensure that personal information held by them is accurate, complete, up-to-date and not misleading.

Documents that require access requests include paper files, computer records, maps, plans, photographs, tape recordings, films, video tapes and electronically stored information.

Amendment of personal information

The public may also apply for access to personal information about themselves that is contained in Town documents. Any person can apply to have this information corrected if they believe it is incorrect, inaccurate, out-of-date, or misleading. Personal information is information about the individual, while non-personal information is information concerning other people or matters.

Making an application

An application can be made via a letter or email to:

Chief Executive Officer
Town of East Fremantle
PO Box 1097
East Fremantle WA 6959

The application for information must clearly identify the documents concerned. If applying for amendment of personal information, the details to show how the Town’s records are inaccurate, incomplete, out-of-date or misleading must be presented.

If the request is for “everything” on a particular subject, the Town may ask you to narrow the scope of the application to ensure the work involved is reasonable.

You must give an address in Australia where notices can be sent, as well as a telephone number, fax number or email address.

The most recent Freedom of Information (FOI) Statement issued by the Town of East Fremantle, was in reviewed June 2022, which includes information including processing times and costs for applicants.

Applicants who wish to access documents under Freedom of Information legislation can apply to access information relating to the Town of East Fremantle.

Further information is available from the Office of the Information Commissioner:

Phone:               (08) 6551 7888

Fax:                     (08) 6551 7889

Freecall              (WA Country): 1800 621 244

Internet:              foi.wa.gov.au/

E-mail:                info@foi.wa.gov.au