PUP Dog Litter campaign launched

Published on Friday, 25 October 2024 at 11:19:23 AM

Town of East Fremantle has joined six other local governments in a three-month pilot campaign to encourage dog owners to responsibly dispose of doggy litter from public areas.

The Town, in collaboration with the Cities of Armadale, Cockburn, Fremantle, Kwinana, Melville and Rockingham, will roll out the Pick Up Poop (PUP) Dog Litter campaign from October until December.

Town of East Fremantle Mayor Jim O’Neill encouraged residents to get behind the campaign.

“By picking up after your dog, you’re not only helping to keep our beautiful and inviting open spaces such as parks, streets and public areas clean and enjoyable for everyone, you are also helping to protect the health of other animals as dog litter can carry harmful bacteria and parasites,” he said.

“Our outside staff would also appreciate this as well as they often unknowingly come across dog faeces when whipper snipping and mowing in our Town.

“Pet litter can also pollute our beautiful river and waterways which we are proud to protect and maintain in the Town and harm wildlife.”

Annually, the Town invests approximately $28 per registered dog, on poo bags. It is also estimated that that in the Town of East Fremantle alone, 212.69 kilograms of dog waste is produced on daily walks by registered dogs.

Mayor O’Neill reminded residents to always carry disposable bags when out and about with their four-legged mates, or to use the bags provided at our public bins.

“Under the Litter Act 1979, canine owners who leave their dog poo in public areas, whether bagged or not, can incur a $200 fine,” he added.

To support the campaign, over the next few months, Town staff will be giving out on-the-spot rewards for residents seen putting dog poo in the bin and handing out dog poo bags at the George Street Festival on Sunday 1 December.

This campaign is sponsored by a Keep Australia Beautiful Community Litter Grant.

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