Climate Action Reference Group Strategic Objectives (Closed)
Posted: 15/05/2021 Closing Date: 05/06/2021 04:30 PM
In November 2019 and March 2020, the Town recognised the climate emergency, then in June 2020 a call was made for expressions of interest for a newly-formed Climate Action Reference Group (CARG) whose task is to:
- assist in identifying targets, projects, and actions that the Town and its community can undertake to assist with meeting the challenges of the future in relation to climate change.
- act as a conduit between the Council and community in providing recommendations to assist the Town in developing a Climate Emergency Strategy (CES), Climate Emergency Action Plan (CEAP), and provide expertise and opinion on other sustainability issues.
The Climate Emergency Strategy will be a guiding document providing the framework for Council to address the climate emergency. It will be the first part of Council’s three-step response:
- Step 1 Climate Emergency Strategy
includes visions and high level goals to set the direction for how Council responds to the climate emergency (this Strategy)
- Step 2 Action Plan
includes detailed programs, projects, and actions to meet the high-level goals and visions set out in the Climate Emergency Strategy, including budgetary costings
- Step 3 Implementation
puts the programs, projects, and actions in place.
ARG will ensure Climate related responses are raised collaboratively with the community and to be guided by local priorities and expertise to develop actions and strategies for the reduction of community-wide greenhouse gas emissions and find ways to prepare the community and Council to mitigate and adapt to the impacts of climate change.
Town Seeking Comment on Climate Emergency Strategy Strategic Objectives
The Town is seeking feedback on the Town's Draft Strategic Objectives for the future Climate emergency Strategy. The Strategic Objectives were formulated by the Climate Action reference Group (CARG) over the last four months and highlight the areas where the CARG believes Council needs to take action. The Objectives will act as the backbone of the Town’s future Climate Emergency Strategy (CES), which will provide a framework and goals for Council to work towards to address the climate emergency. Please note submissions after 5 June will not be accepted
View the Draft Strategic Objectives and Make Comment on the Strategic Objectives