Posted: 25/01/2019 12:00 AM Closed Date: 25/02/2019 11:50 PM
Summary of Modifications - Amendment No. 14 - For summary click here
The attached is a summary of the more significant elements of the Schedule of Modifications to Amendment No. 14 as directed by the Minister for Planning. A comparison with the same elements of the Council endorsed Amendment is also provided. The summary does not include all provisions included in the full Schedule of Modifications or the Council’s Amendment.
Should you require further clarification in regard to the modifications or making a submission please contact Council’s planning staff on 9339 9339.
For all other documentation and to make a submission click here
The information provided in the Summary of Modifications to Amendment No. 14 is issued for public consultation purposes only and is based on information available to the Town at the time of issuance. Whilst the Town endeavours to ensure all information contained in documents issued for public consultation is accurate and comprehensive, this is not guaranteed. The information contained in the Summary of Modifications to Amendment No. 14 reflects the Town’s preliminary analysis and understanding of planning matters associated with the Schedule of Modifications for Local Planning Scheme No. 3 Amendment No. 14 only. It is not intended as a comprehensive analysis of either planning issues or outcomes associated with Scheme Amendments No. 14. A full evaluation of all planning considerations relevant to Amendment No. 14 will be undertaken when the submission advertising period closes and a full report is prepared for Council’s consideration. The final position of the Town in relation to Scheme Amendments No. 14 may be different from the position or views expressed in this document. Individuals should not rely on the information contained in this document in any decision making and should seek their own independent advice in each case. Any submission made in response to this document may be used by the Town and published as deemed necessary or appropriate by the Town in considering Scheme Amendments No. 14. If you have any queries in relation to Scheme Amendments No. 14 or the submission process please contact Council’s Planning staff by telephoning 9339 9339 or
Copyright in the Summary of Modifications to Amendment No. 14 subsists in the Town. Use, reproduction and copying of the document, or any information contained within it, is permitted for non-commercial purposes only to facilitate public consultation. If information or ideas contained in the Summary of Modifications to Amendment No. 14 are required for any commercial or any other purpose unrelated to public consultation, permission must be obtained in writing from the Town prior to use. To make a request please direct your enquiry in writing to the Town of East Fremantle Planning Services on 9339 93339 or