Council is in receipt of a development application seeking approval for proposal to increase accommodation from 10 to 15 persons.
As you may be aware Council at its meeting of 16 May 2015 granted a 12 month temporary approval for a change of use from day therapy centre to short term residential accommodation for up to ten (10) persons and five (5) staff. The approval was subject to a number of planning conditions, one of which stated that the 12 month trial approval period was to commence from the date of occupancy.
Work did not commence on the site for a number of years, however over the past year all required alterations to the building and grounds, including the provision of parking bays have been completed to the Town’s satisfaction, with the facility officially opening on 31 July 2020. The building has been occupied and providing services for the residents since 3 August 2020.
The existing facility accommodates patients transitioning between a hospital stay and home for a period of up to six weeks. Two nursing staff are available on a 24 hour basis, with three additional staff members working on a rostered shift basis seven days a week. The maximum number of staff at any one time being five persons under the conditions of the planning approval. Existing parking bays for staff are located at the Bedford Street entry to the site. In addition to the residential accommodation, counselling and other support therapies are provided to the residents.
The Town is now in receipt of a development (planning) approval application submitted by the South Metropolitan Health Service seeking approval for an increase in the number of persons accommodated on the site from 10 to 15. This is in response to an increased need for mental health services in the community in general, due to the circumstances of the past year.
The applicant has stated there will be no change to the manner in which the accommodation service is operated, only to the number of people accommodated on the site. The applicant is solely seeking the Council’s approval for an additional five people to reside at the facility. The proposed additional number of persons can be accommodated on the site without any further building works or alterations being required. The same conditions of planning approval remain applicable to the use of the property, as does the 12 month trial period which commenced in August 2020 and will expire in August 2021. At that time a fresh development application for the continued use of the site for this purpose will be required to be submitted for consideration by Council. The planning approval renewal process will also involve further consultation with the community.
If you wish to make a comment, please complete the form below or alternatively email your submission to or via post to Town of East Fremantle, PO Box 1097, Fremantle WA 6959.
Comments to be lodged with Council on or before Friday 19 February 2021.
Please quote application number P05/21 on the form below.