CTP46/21 - 33 Moss Street - Short Term Residential Accommodation (Closed)
Posted: 11/06/2021 Closing Date: 12/07/2021 04:30 PM
Council granted approval for an increase in the number of persons accommodated at the above facility from 10 to 15 with no further change to the conditions of planning approval at its meeting of 2 March 2021. The approval of five additional persons was granted on the basis that the 12 month trial approval period was still applicable. This enabled the Town to assess any impact the increase in the number of persons accommodated may have in the remaining five months of the temporary approval which is due to expire on 3 August 2021.
The Town is now in receipt of a development (planning) approval application submitted by the South Metropolitan Health Service seeking permanent planning approval for the short term accommodation of 15 persons under the same operating conditions. Under the current conditions of approval the applicant is required to seek a renewal prior to the expiry of the 12 month temporary approval. There is no further building work or alterations required or proposed with this application. The applicant is not seeking any change to the conditions of planning approval only that Council grant a permanent rather than temporary approval.
The existing facility accommodates patients transitioning between a hospital stay and home for a period of up to six weeks. Two nursing staff are available on a 24 hour basis, with three additional staff members working on a rostered shift basis seven days a week. The maximum number of staff at any one time being five persons under the conditions of the planning approval. Existing parking bays for staff are located at the Bedford Street entry to the site. In addition to the residential accommodation, counselling and other support therapies are provided to the residents.
If you wish to make a comment, please complete the form below or alternatively email your submission to admin@eastfremantle.wa.gov.au or via post to Town of East Fremantle, PO Box 1097, Fremantle WA 6959.
Comments to be lodged with Council on or before Monday, 12 July 2021.
Please quote application number P46/21 on the form below.