Posted: 12/07/2024 Closing Date: 29/07/2024 05:00 PM
Invitation to provide feedback on Current Consultation of proposed Local Development Plan for 7 -27 (Lots 14-19) Canning Highway, East Fremantle.
In January 2022 Amendment 17 to Local Planning Scheme No. 3 was approved which amended the Additional Use A9 classification that applies to the six lots at No. 7 – 27 (Lot 14 – 19) Canning Highway, East Fremantle.
The new LPS 3 provisions allow for the land to be developed for apartments (multiple dwellings) at a density code of Residential R80 subject to Council approval of a Local Development Plan which depicts coordinated development of all six lots.
The Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage has now submitted a Local Development Plan seeking Council approval. The purpose of the Local Development Plan is to provide specific development controls for the land.
View the Draft Local Development Plan and Application Letter on the right.
If you wish to make a submission on the Local Development Plan, please complete the form below or email your submission to admin@eastfremantle.wa.gov.au or via post to PO Box 1097, Fremantle WA 6959.
Submissions are to be lodged by close of business Monday, 29th July 2024.